Some businesses partner with AirGarage to provide discounted parking to their customers. If you receive a discount code from one of these businesses, you can enter the discount code before you start your rental or at any time while you have an active hourly rental.
App Users:
Start an hourly parking rental.
On the Active Rental page, select "Add promo code", once code is entered press the arrow button to apply code.
Text to Pay & Webpay Users:
Prior to starting a rental:
On the start rental page, scroll down and click "View more options" under the Saved Card field. Then select "I have a discount code"
Enter discount code in field and select "Apply Code"
Use a discount code on an active rental:
Open your active rental in your browser. If you can not find the active rental page, you can open it by clicking on the link to end your rental that was sent to you when you started the rental or by visiting
Don’t worry - clicking this link will not end your rental automatically, it will bring you to your active rental page first.
Once you’ve opened your active rental, click on the 'Apply a discount code' section at the bottom of the page.
- Enter the discount code then click 'Apply Code'